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The best products for smoking cessation

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How difficult is it to quit smoking forever? Can you quit this bad habit? It is impossible to answer such questions unequivocally, it all depends on many factors - how long a person smokes, how often others. The reasons for refusal are different for everyone - someone wants to protect others from the consequences of secondhand smoke, someone wants to reduce their risks of lung cancer or cardiovascular diseases. And someone is tired of spending decent sums on cigarettes every month. People with good willpower quit because they are fed up. But not everyone has this power that is so great, so you have to come up with some ways. Here are the most effective ones.

Commit to work

When busy with work, there is simply no time to take smoke breaks. In addition, many companies prohibit smoking in the workplace and reward those who are free from this addiction.

Sports, other interests.

Many people displace a bad habit with this very thing. Sport is tobaccos best enemy. When a person knows that he needs to run a decent distance or serious physical activity is ahead, he will not use nicotine. Because he knows that he will burden the body and become a hindrance. In addition, exercising helps in the production of endorphins that give the body pleasure. You can also stop thinking about tobacco by doing something fun and healthy. For example, master the craft of driving, learn to photograph decently, learn English or French. Anyone can find an interesting job for themselves and free their minds from obsessive thoughts about tobacco.


The most difficult thing to do without smoking at the very beginning of the quitting process is about 15-20 days. To avoid the temptation to start smoking again, you can go on a trip for three weeks. Conquering a mountain range, exploring the taiga, rafting down the river, arranging a horse ride - everything will do. If only the company was completely non-smoking. When it turns out that no one will buy a cigarette, the brain will switch from thinking about nicotine to something else.

Patches, nicotine gum

Such funds saturate the body with a small dose of nicotine and help to survive the withdrawal of the first two to three days. These substitutes are available to everyone, but it is still best to consult a doctor. True, then you have to get out of the habit of this, but here it is already much easier.

Doctors help

The doctor will have to go to those who have a strong addiction and there is no possibility of using other methods. The doctor prescribes medications to help relieve stress. Sometimes doctors recommend using hypnosis, acupuncture, or suggest to be encoded. There is already an individual approach. Your doctor may also recommend medications to help you quit smoking. There are not very many of them, but they exist and are successfully used by those who have decided to quit tobacco forever.